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Art : Arts and Crafts : 1900-1940s
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Circa 1930's Arts and Crafts Textile Fabric Batik Process Baltimore Artist Betty Lee

Betty Lee, 20th C. artist
There is a record of a jury show, the 12th Annual Exhibition of Maryland Artists, which started in 1933, the catalog shows a painting by Betty Lee. The signature of the signature is almost exact as this signature.

This amazing Arts and Crafts, as in the artistic movement not the novice crafts of today but this well executed and detailed fabric. The symbols, such as the arts and crafts stylized flowers can be seen here as well as the Asian Inspired boarder leans this piece in the style of the Arts and Crafts Movement of the 1920-1930's.

"Batik is a process of using melted wax as a resist on fabric. The wax may be painted on a white or coloured fabric using a canting or brush or it may be stamped onto the fabric using a copper stamp dipped in melted wax. The fabric is then dyed, and the areas that have been waxed will not be penetrable by the dye."

Size: 49 inches wide x 84 inches tall
Condition: Fine with some marks from the fabric being folded. Fold marks on the fabric. Please see the details of this item to get a visual description.

If you have any questions or if you need additional images, please feel free to contact me.

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