Circa 1915 Monumental Neo Classical Ornamental Plaster from Theatre Cherub On Back of Griffin
Casted with gypsum plaster and reinforced with burlap and wire, horsehair in the mix. This huge and amazing detailed cherub on the back of a griffin or stylized eagle headed serpent.
This Neo Classical influenced plaster piece hung in a theatre.
This piece came from an old theater and part of the decorative ornamental plaster decorations in the theater. Sadly the location and name of the theater is lost to history. This piece comes from a home in Virginia who had this item and has saved and stored it for over 35 years.
The use of the monumental plaster pieces like this one, a Cherub on back of Griffin type creature, would have been early 1900’s to about 1930’s. The Great Depression ended a lot of ornamental plasterers.
The Piece has the original glazed finish which as flaked in some areas.
This an easy restoration for a trained historical decorative plaster. Please ask for a referral
SIZE : 33 high x 24 length by about 11” wide
It has bolt and loop on the back for hanging.
CONDITION: fine with some small areas of flake from age and the foot of the cherub has been repaired. Light crackle to the surface in areas but no structural issues. Please see the images for more details.
I have a trained ornamental plasterer who has over 20 years of work restoring plaster in homes and major public buildings in the MD and VA area. Please ask if you need any restoration done.
This piece has been professionally crated and can be delivered approx. 3-5 hours in any direction. Item is located near Gettysburg VA area, Pick up can be arranged.