Printer's Folio with 113 Antique Woodcut Images Used in Edition of Marquis de Sade's Book Justine and Juliette
113 images of copies of 16-18th illustrations S&M and other sexual acts reproduced for use in Marquis de Sade's books, Justin and Juliette.
A printer's presentation book of reproduced woodcuts that are separated into two books with pages and chapters noted on the outside sleeve. Each image has been reproduced with great detail.
Each card is approx 3 1/2 x 5 inches and almost are noted in pencil on the back with name of book and page.
Section 1 has 30 images
Section 2 has 27 images
Section 3 has 29 images
Section 4 has 27 images
An amazing collection of antique erotica woodcuts through the ages.
Please feel free to email me with questions.
shipping cost is for US only, if you are an over seas buyers please email me your shipping address to get a shipping quote.